I'd negotiated a morning pass out with the lads for Sunday hoping to take advantage of the early day coolness. The plan was a quick Burbage South raid. The cool(ish) temperatures were in evidence, unfortunately they brought with them a degree of dampness to the rock probably due to the overnight mist/haze. The ground was certainly pretty wet and the rock felt moist as soon as you touched it.
Anyway the hastily conceived target for the day was Nosferatu. After a brief warm-up with a spot of bouldering I got on the route, and then shortly after got off it in brisk style. A particularly damp feeling hold putting pay to my onsight plans. Half an hour of sitting around and the second go went easily. The rock still felt a bit mosit but the combination of a bit of time and a bit of chalk probably made the difference. A little frustrating really as it should have gone first attempt. Oh well, the tight scheduling of family life means hitting the right conditions window can be a bit of a gamble.