Almost six months since my last blog, where does the time go?
The main reason for my lax blogging activities of late is this:
Sam Edgar Jennings made it into the world at 9:18 PM on Boxing Day weighing in at 7lb 1oz. Proir to his arrival I have been spending pretty much every spare moment trying to ready our house for the arrival. As anyone who has visited my house can tell you this is no small feat. Anyway whilst I don't anticipate having a sudden glut of free time forthcoming I am at least hopeful that the nature of my ceaslessly busy schedule will alter. It should in theory be easier to write blog entries whilst watching over a sleeping child than it is when wielding drill and hammer. But that is all for the New Year, for now I hope you all had a great Christmas and wish you all the very best for the New Year. I'm off to change a nappy...